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Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising 
Manifestor 2/4

Welcome! My name is Amanda Marie and it is with great honor that I have the privilege of being passionately devoted and in service to the collective healing and awakening of humanity. I am a New Earth leader, determined to hold the vision and inspire a more embodied and heart-centered path. I am an Astrologer, He-art-ist, Reiki Master, Grief Guide, Herbalist, and Bridge of Communication with Spirit and the Unseen Realms.

My presence is powerfulactivating and gently illuminating.

My intuitive gifts and deep sensitivities to subtle energy and the collective consciousness assists me in holding space, and creating safe containers for individuals to feel seen and invited into deeper self-awareness, and alignment. If you feel a resonance to work with me I invite you to explore my offerings here. I walk this path with humility and gratitude for my many blessings and cherish this opportunity to walk alongside humanity at this time. 

Your heart is the way home ༄

Blessing you with love.
May the infinite love that you are be reflected back to you in every moment. May you recognize the divine in every heart,
especially your own. 

 © The Astrolo Gal 2024

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